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Aloha ECORA (& Honored Guest) Paddlers –The weather has warmed and we are all getting back on the water!  I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to “live” events later in the year more than ever!  However, let’s start the ECORA season off with a virtual race, a way to start getting us back together (even if just virtually) and building those competitive muscles back up.

We are excited to welcome you back to team paddling this year!  ECORA is going to open the season with a Virtual 10-mile Season Opener will run from June 28th through July 18th.   Race fee will be $10/person or $50/team of 6.

I am sure you have some questions:

Yes, it is another “virtual” race.  Why participate? 

Three simple reasons:

  1. You are going to be training anyway, so why not participate and check your time against others?  There is no time like the present to start getting ready for the season.
  2. You have a chance to virtually bring together your team.  What a great way to re-establish friendships!
  3. There are awards (explained below).

Race Structure: 

1.     Required for awards:  Teams of 6 in any of the below Divisions. (But, if you don’t want to get a team together and just want to race for time (and a medal) that’s cool too!)

    1. What makes up a team?
      1. An OC6 crew
      2. An OC2 crew plus 4 OC1s
      3. A bike, a kayak, an OC1, a tandem surfski, and a SUP.

You get the picture right?  Any combination of six.

2.     Divisions:  OC1, OC2, OC6 (spec), OC6 (unlimited), Surfski, Tandem Surfski, Sea Kayak, Kayak, SUP, Running, and Biking.

3.     Categories:

    1. Age:  Under 18, 18-39, 40+, 50+, 60+
      1. Teams will be registered in their lowest age category
    2. Gender: Women, Men, Mixed

4.     Ranking by category/Division/age will be calculated.  If a division/gender/age group doesn’t have 3 entries, we will combine ages until there is a category of 3.

5.     Top performers will receive medals.

6.     Points will be awarded to teams as follows:

    1. Turning in a completed time = 1 point per person (OC6s…you have it pretty easy)
    2. Whole team from the same club = 6 points
    3. Placing in a division:  1st Place = 10 points, 2nd = 7 points, 3rd = 5 points
    4. Completed times submitted with a picture from your workout tracker (e.g, Garmin, Strava, etc) = 1 point
    5. Each picture posted on Social Media with #EastCoastOutrigger = 1 point
    6. Teams complete race in matching race shirts = 6 points
    7. Individual team members complete their qualifying times:  Same day = 6 points, Within 3 days = 3 points, within 5 days = 1 point


  1. Course Time:  Top 3 places in each division/category will receive an ECORA Virtual Race Medal
  2. Awards go to the teams with the most points
    1. Choice of*:
      1. A High Noon Cooler
      2. RowHouse Membership (1 mo in person)
      3. Waterproof Speaker
      4. A steering blade
      5. ECORA shirts
      6. High Noon Hats
      7. Emergency First Aid Kits

*Under 21 are not eligible for High Noon, but we’ll get you covered with cool stuff still!

To register:  Gather your team!  Just a reminder, you all can do different things, but a team of 6 gets you into the big awards.

Decide on your team name:  You’ll need this to register

All team members need to click on the link and register so we have contact details for mailing awards.  If you are paying for the group, you’ll have a couple of extra steps.

Please register here to participate:  https://forms.gle/HVavSqrHfj3KNEfc8

Registration can be paid through either of the following:

        • PayPal: @ECORATreasurer  
        • Venmo: @ECORA 

A link for reporting your results will be sent once registrations have been confirmed.

Paddles up and good luck!!


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